Catalonia Update: Interview with @DemocracyInCatalonia

spain-destroyed-catalonia-crisis-1100279.jpgSome are wondering what is happening in Catalonia since they voted for independence in October and Spain called for a special election. Well, I reached out on Twitter to my Catalan followers and received several responses.  Here is the most detailed response I have received so far:

Angel Fox: Can you tell me what the current situation in Catalonia is?


  1. The current situation is the following: After the referendum on 1 October, the Spanish state initiated a legal offensive. It began before actually. But it hardened after the referendum. Jailing all of the Catalan independence movement leadership became the goal of State prosecutors. The crimes of rebellion, sedition, misappropriations are being used against the former government ministers. Some are in prison in Madrid, some have fled to Belgium. The Spanish government triggered article 155 of the constitution () removing self-rule from Catalonia, but also calling elections. Presumably, Rajoy called elections early on as a result of pressures from the EU (or let’s say Germany), but those would have been in private. The official line so far in Europe is: “we don’t meddle in (other) member states internal affairs”. Anyway, as expected the elections yielded a parliament that looks pretty much the same as the previous one, with some minor changes.

  2. Ciudadanos now concentrates the unionist vote. The unionist vote has been mobilised through Catalan bashing and outrageous lying in the Madrid media. Most mother-tongue Spanish speakers is Catalonia are unionist leaning and get their news from the Madrid media as Catalan media is in Catalan language. They are also generally first or second generation immigrants from other parts of Spain that live in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, the so called industrial belt, aslo know as red belt (beacuse they used to vote socialist) and now called orange belt because they vote Ciudadanos.. in Catalan elections, not Spanish elections, where they vote Podemos.

  3. Anyway, Ciudadanos was the most voted party, and the PP collapsed in Catalonia.

  4. So, the pro-independence camp won again with Puigdemont’s party getting over 21% and Junqueras getting 21% too. But Puigdemont is in Belgium and Junqueras in prison.

  5. On 4 January there will be a hearing and the possibility that the judge may release Junqueras who has now been re-elected to take his seat in parliament… personally I don’t expect it to happen. The investiture session is meant to take place on the 17th, and there is talk of Puigdemont being made president by parliament remotely, I guess in writing or videoconference somehow. But the constitutional court will probably not allow that. 19 of the newly elected members of parliament are facing trials and long prison terms..

What will the government do..? I don’t know. It will depend on a variety of pressures and calculations. As important as what the government does right now is what the judiciary does. How directly does the government control prosecutors and judges is not completely clear to me. On the one hand they do appoint them and they share this fanatical ideology about Spanish unity. So with prosecutors, there’s a chain of command and they obey the minister who obeys Rajoy. With judges, be it the supreme court or audiencia nacional, they too are political appointees. But I don’t know if they can just get told what to do..

Angel Fox: What do you see the Spanish government doing next?

@DemocracyInCatalonia: So, I guess I’m not answering your second question. I guess they would like to find a way of stabilizing the situation and to recover normality. Their international standing has taken a hit. Spain is no longer that “friendly albeit sort of average western-European country”, they care about reputation that’s for sure, but Spanish unity is even more important. I am 40 years old, I’ve been living in Barcelona for 18 years, I’m culturally Spanish (as opposed to Catalan), half-Irish (hence my English).. anyway, these are completely unchartered waters for us.

Angel Fox: How are the Catalan people responding to the current situation?

@DemocracyInCatalonia: As to the last question, very quickly: On the pro-independence side there is a very high degree of determination, it has become a question of democracy and dignity. On the unionist side, it is very confusing.. mainly many people who are not usually political have been mobilized to vote through the demonization of separatism by the media. The challenge for the independence movement is to make greater inroads amongst Spanish speakers and convince them about the virtues of the Catalan Republic as a democratic project on which to build the kind of decent society which is impossible within the Spanish state.

It is clear to me that the Catalan people are not giving up. However, the Spanish government is clearly fascist and Rajoy, as a dictator, intends to try and squash their victory and his call for a new election backfired.  President Puigdemont will continue his presidency in exile until these issues can be resolved.  Hopefully, it is done peacefully for the sake of my friends in Catalonia. Peace be with you and love.2017-02-05_lif_27997581_I1.JPG

Lauri Love’s Case and the Need for a Trial At Home

You probably haven’t heard of Lauri Love and if you have, you probably just know about the case for a trial in the UK rather than the United States.  Yet there is more to this man than meets the eye.  He is and was a political activitist. He is most well known for his role in the student and Occupy Movement in Glasgow during 2011- 2012.  He is prominent in the hacking and surveillance online community and has Asperger’s syndrome. This would hinder him in any US prison and American confinement does not treat conditions like his. In fact, a man like Lauri would be at high risk of suicide in this type of situation.images (4).jpg

There is also a big difference in length of sentence between the United Kingdom and the US.  The US is extremely harsh on people like Lauri, whistleblowers and leakers.  Lauri would face at least a 99 year sentence under US laws.  In the UK, he would probably get a much shorter sentence that would include months rather than years.

The fact is that if a person committed a normal crime in Britain like rape or breaking or entering, they would not be extradited to another country to face charges even if the offense was against an individual from a foreign country.  Lauri Love faces extradition to the US due to his involvement in OpLastResort, an alleged crime committed in England  not the United States.  Even though this crime was against the government in the US, it should be tried where it happened.  lauri_love.jpg

Lauri is severely depressed and needs our support.  We need to stand up against his extradition and end his persecution by the US government’s cruel treatment of people like Love.


Open Letter to the Freedom of Press Foundation Regarding Wikileaks


John Cusack, Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, John Perry Barlow, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, Rainey Reitman and Micah Lee:twitter_banner.width-1600.png

It has come to my attention that you have dropped Wikileaks as one of your sponsorships.  According to your website, your mission statement is worded as such:

Our Mission. Freedom of the Press Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping support and defend public-interest journalism focused on exposing mismanagement, corruption, and law-breaking in government.

If you truly believe in your statement, you would not have dropped Wikileaks and it’s founder Julian Assange as they are being persecuted by a corrupt and law-breaking government (The United States).  Instead, you have bowed to their political pressure and have shown that you do not follow your own mission.  Julian Assange helped establish your foundation and you choose to treat him like a dirty rag and toss him to the side.  You obviously do not appreciate those who have helped you.DRiIN_RV4AA8_xN.jpg

On top of this, you have allowed Micah Lee to make derogatory, defaming statements about Assange on Twitter.  He deserves to be sued for libel and slander for making such horrific statements, not to mention fired and yet he is still on your board.  This shows the public you are unworthy of further donations.  I wish you the best in your endeavors, whatever the hell they may be.  As for myself and Wikileaks supporters, we will be boycotting you as you are not what you say you are.

A disgusted Wikileaks Supporter


WikiLeaks Loses Freedom of the Press for their Donations

Recently the Freedom of the Press Foundation announced it would no longer be taking WikiLeaks donations and redistributing to them.  Julian helped found this organization in  2012 in response to the banking blockade imposed by the likes of Visa, PayPal, etc on the publishing agency in response to documentation released at the time.  This is a statement regarding the FPF’s decision by Assange.DRV2lnlWsAAVQRU

The statement released by the FPF in the Washington Times article Wikileaks Loses Support is as follows:

“FPF’s board unanimously found — upon review of the available evidence — that the financial blockade by the major payment processors is no longer in effect, and as such, we will soon cease processing donations on behalf of WikiLeaks readers,” Trevor Timm, the foundation’s director, wrote in a Dec. 9 email to WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange.

In my firm opinion, FPF has bowed to political pressure and we should no longer support any of its functions.  They are traitors to their cause and to their founder.  Snowden is on the board and refuses to comment on this catastrophe.  After January 1st, they will no longer be a funnel for Wikileaks.

Another quote from the Washington Times:

“The pressure against WikiLeaks, its staff and its allies has increased as a result of our CIA and Democratic party publications,” Mr. Assange wrote in the email.

“The FPF faces criticism for receiving donations on our behalf, but that is its function,” wrote Mr. Assange. “If it bows to political pressure it becomes part of the problem it was designed to solve and yet another spurious free speech organization—of which there are plenty.”

Regardless, this is just another attempt by the Deep State, CIA and our lovely Congress to destroy a media organization that should be protected by the First Amendment under free press.  I personally find this violation of my rights revolting and think it is time something is done by “We The People” to end this persecution.  Stand with myself and other supporters by boycotting the Freedom of the Press Foundation.8f085bcd676dd08204e847d8031e4a27--keep-fighting-inspiring-quotes

To the President Regarding the Recent Break In at a Wikileaks Office

Dear Mr. President:

It has been brought to our attention that the CIA may have entered a Wikileaks without permission to seize information. ( See attached: article on break-in )  This is not right. If they did so, it is completely illegal and is also morally wrong as it is stealing.  I ask that you speak to the head of the CIA about this and reprimand this action.  As a citizen of the United States I feel this is an overreach of the CIA’s power.  What are they trying to prove?

If it were not for last year’s releases on Clinton and the DNC this administration may very well have lost and we would be stuck with Hillary destroying our nation as did her predecessor.  We are thankful to Wikileaks for helping to save America from her greedy grasp and thankful that you are President.  We ask that you show your appreciation to Wikileaks and Julian Assange by pardoning all of them of any crimes they may have committed.  If you choose to, you can issue a preemptive pardon regarding them.

Wikileaks is simply a publisher and Julian Assange it’s editor.  All they have done is what the Washington Post and the New York Times has done in the past.  They distributed documents given to them.  This is protected by the First Amendment which reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I am disgusted by the violation of this amendment and its breach of my rights.  Even though Wikileaks is a foreign agency, the right to free press and free speech covers them because I have a right to it.  Congress and the CIA have continually targeted WikiLeaks because they are afraid of exposure I believe.  It is time for this witch hunt to stop.  As you know, #Russiagate is nothing more than a fake inquisition to impeach you and try to jail the innocent.

We the People are tired of this joke of a probe for something that simply does not exist except on the other side.  Please speak with the head of the CIA and to Congress members to end this farce.

Thank you

A Concerned Citizen

Open Letter to the Senate Intel Committee Regarding Wikileaks and It’s Supporters


It has come to my attention, that recently, this Committee has not only been targeting WikiLeaks but also it’s supporters.  It appears that you have forgotten your vows to uphold the Constitution in doing so.  Not only have you violated the First Amendment Right to free speech and free press but you have violated the American People’s 4th amendment rights to privacy.  I am completely disgusted with this committee and feel that it’s members should resign immediately.

The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States clearly states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

When you attack Wikileaks, you attack the press.  Wikileaks has never had to retract a story in 11 years and has won all court cases that challenged the authenticity of its documents.  The only reason you are aiming at Wikileaks is because you know it has exposed government corruption, war crimes and your own ineptitude.  We The People deserve transparency and to know when our own government is committing crimes against us as well as other people in the world.  Your obvious witch hunt will only lead to the prosecution of innocent people who only wanted the truth to be seen and heard.

Recently, Diane Feinstein requested the Direct Messages of Julian Assange and Wikileaks from Twitter.  This included American citizens messages and is an encroachment on the 4th amendment and our rights to privacy.  By looking at personal messages, you infringe upon our personal space and We The People are not happy about this.  It is none of your business what a private citizen chooses to disclose to Wikileaks or Assange.  You were not elected to violate our rights as voters in this country.

I demand that you stop this witch hunt and close this investigation immediately and cease from targeting US Citizens and the press.  Remember, we  put you in office to represent us, you are not rulers of the people.

Thank you

A Concerned Citizen